John G. AvildsenForgatókönyvíró:
Sylvester StalloneOperatőr:
James CrabeZeneszerző:
Bill ContiSzereplők:
Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Thayer David, Joe Spinell, Jimmy Gambina, Bill Baldwin, Al Silvani (több)Streaming (3)
Rocky Balboa Philadelphia külvárosában, az olasz szegénynegyedben él. Az egyetlen kitörési pont számára a boksz: ha elég kitartása van a küzdelemhez és jól fel tudja használni tehetségét és erejét, igazi nagy bokszoló válhat belőle, profi világbajnok, aki milliókat keres! Edzője, Mickey akkor látja elérkezettnek a pillanatot, amikor a városba érkezik a kor boksz-sztárja, Apollo Creed. Ha Rocky kihívja és legyőzi Apollót, egy pillanat alatt megismeri a nevét egész Amerika. (RTL Klub)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (11)
Minél természetesebb, hihetőbb és erőteljesebb egy film az amerikai álomról, annál kevésbé épül a hatásra és a mindenáron való megfelelésre. Egy legenda bensőséges csírája, még nem sejtve későbbi saját történelmi súlyát. Sylvester Stallone személyiségének (nem csak színészi) leghűbb filmes meghatározása. ()
The duel of an outsider with a favorite remains an eternal topic in the sports genre, and when the main protagonist himself writes the script about a person who stood up to everyone who didn't believe in him, the only thing left for perfection is some equivalent from the real world. Maybe the one when the Academy really ate it up back then and awarded both Sylvester Stallone and Rocky a few shiny statues. The fact that a series was eventually born out of such a unique tale is actually a pity, but that's a different story. ()
Miracles happen sometimes. The boxer Rocky lasted all rounds undefeated in his fight with the heavyweight champion of the world, and this B-movie, from which nobody expected anything, went for the highest standard and received two major Oscars. And a third miracle on top of that: the until then unknown Sly Stallone received two Oscar nominations, including the script, full of great dialogue, which he wrote in three days. Sly lived the American dream and rose to stardom. ()
The years and Stallone’s reputation may have made Rocky a legend among sport dramas, but as someone who doesn’t like the genre, I have to say that it’s just a run-of-the-mill movie. It’s well made, yes, but also ordinary, and even uninteresting. I don’t feel at all like watching the entire saga. ()
The naive story of the great American dream coming true is not Rocky's main issue. On the contrary, despite its simplicity, it is very believable. The problem lies in the overall execution, starting with the somewhat lacking writing skills of Sylvester Stallone and continuing through the direction to the acting performances. The first half is absolutely (!) unnecessary, the attempt to delve into the psychology of the characters is wasted due to the lack of directorial innovation, and boredom is inevitable, leading to yawning. In the second half, the plot and pace pick up towards a more promising potential, which, however, is again squandered due to the constant repetition of lines about a little insignificant man who was offered a life-changing opportunity (it only needed to be said once!). The final match doesn't surprise in any way, not only with its outcome but also with the dry impression of the used form. I would like to nostalgically close my eyes, but for some reason, I just can't do it. ()