
  • Egyesült Államok Euphoria
Előzetes 1
Egyesült Államok, (2019–2025), 25 h 15 perc (Percek: 50–65 perc)


Sam Levinson


Sam Levinson, Hunter Schafer


Labrinth, Gustave Rudman


Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Austin Abrams, Sydney Sweeney, Jacob Elordi, Alexa Demie, Algee Smith, Barbie Ferreira, Lukas Gage, Maude Apatow, Angus Cloud (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)

Évad(3) / Epizódok(26)


Sam Levinson sorozata egy 2012-es izraeli széria amerikai változata, az eredeti megtörtént eseményeken alapul. A történet a középiskolás tinik életébe, annak is az árnyoldalába nyújt bepillantást. Miközben ifjú hőseink keresik helyüket a világban, megtapasztalják a drogot, a szexet és az erőszakot: a klub előtt, ahová járnak, megöltek egy tinit. Egy esztendővel később még mindig kísért a szörnyű tragédia emléke, nehéz szabadulni tőle. Rue szerepében a színésznő-énekesnő Zendaya látható. (HBO Europe)


Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (20)

Season 1 (2019) (S01) 

angol The first season didn't kick off on a high note, at least not from my perspective. I found the pilot quite annoying, and I might've called it quits right then. However, the creators stepped up their game in the subsequent episodes, and the middle of the series turned out to be quite enjoyable. Yet, the unexpected drop in quality towards the end caught me off guard. Even the specials failed to alleviate my growing dissatisfaction, especially the first one, which felt tedious and empty. I'm far from thrilled, but I'll still give the second season a shot. / Lesson learned: If the devil can't go there, he'll send a dealer. ()

Nyár este (2019) (S01E01) 

angol I may have stumbled into something a bit messy and unpleasant with this series. The pilot episode introduced a cast of young, seemingly promising but obviously doomed characters, including thugs and prostitutes. Surprise, surprise: I couldn't find a single character I could relate to. The main character's commentary which was supposed to support the plot felt completely misguided at times (such as the part about leaked photos and videos). While I can't say I was bored, the story hasn't particularly grabbed my interest yet. / Lesson learned: If you want to share your nude photos, go ahead — don't let people who don't get it talk you out of it. ()

Apja fia (2019) (S01E02) 

angol A noticeable improvement over the pilot episode. I wasn't bored; in fact, I found myself oddly entertained. As much as you can be entertained in a place where you'd rather not be, holding your breath just in case and pressing your back against the wall the whole time. This glimpse into the life of the younger generation sure was a depressing one. The fact that the most likable character is a drug dealer speaks volumes... / Lesson learned: Are you over twenty-five? Congratulations! You've already navigated the worst of it. ()

Nézd! (2019) (S01E03) 

angol The episode had its interesting and uninteresting moments, with my slightly above-average rating reflecting how much I enjoyed it. I'm still struggling to relate to the protagonist and her drug-related issues, though. ()


Megrázottak (2019) (S01E04) 

angol I did not expect that I would rate any episode so high after having seen the pilot. This has been the best-handled and most engaging episode of the first season so far. The fact that the main "heroine" and narrator stayed clean really contributed to the plot, sparing me from any annoyance this time around. / Lesson learned: Have any of your embarrassing photos and videos leaked online? Try to top that with something even worse. ()

Bonnie és Clyde (2019) (S01E05) 

angol The last episode elevated the adventures of American teenagers to a new level for me, which still holds in this one. This time around, I found Rue's character more bearable. It might have something to do with her being clean. / Lesson learned: Never tell anyone about it. ()

A következő rész (2019) (S01E06) 

angol So, Rue's managed to stay clean for the third time in a row, and for the third time in a row, it gets a high rating from me. Coincidence? I don't think so. But let's not make it sound like everything hinges on the main character. The real deal-breaker is the quality of the script. Despite having issues with various characters and plot points in the series, I have to give credit to the creators for turning things around after a shaky start. Even though the local drug dealer is the only character who I can relate to at least partially (go figure), the series oddly keeps me entertained. / Lesson learned: One should not yield to blackmailers and terrorists. ()

Hogyan küzdjünk meg a pisilés gyötrelmeivel depressziósan (2019) (S01E07) 

angol The episode didn't quite hit the mark for me. The opening was strong as usual, and the Morgan-Freeman-like detective was a nice touch. I also appreciated the investigators Bennett and Howard. However, it took an unexpected turn into a lecture about the urinary tract and a trans trip, which could be problematic for epileptic viewers. That part left me a bit disappointed. / Lesson learned: Treating depression with Love Island is not a good choice. ()

És sóval hintenéd a helyét (2019) (S01E08) 

angol This episode failed to bring me much joy either. While some things were executed well, the shortcomings nearly canceled out the positives, leaving me disappointed. There was too much figure skating for my taste, and the ending dragged on for way too long. Plus, it mostly rehashed what I had already seen or figured out earlier. I appreciate the resolution of the mystery surrounding the important hoodie, but it was the only noteworthy moment in the entire ten-minute retrospective part. / Lesson learned: Don't promise what you can't deliver. ()

1. rész: Rue - A vész nem tart örökké (2020) (S01E09) 

angol What hypocritical bullshit! Over eight episodes, the series creators hammered in the message that drugs are deadly dangerous. Yet, at the same time, they couldn't resist highlighting how unbelievably cool and sexy they are, painting them as a gateway to a supposedly better way of perceiving life. Then, they throw in a painfully dull ninth episode where two junkies philosophize, spouting loads of appealing but ultimately empty phrases that I'd buy into only if I were a naïve American teenager. And maybe not even then. / Lesson learned: Just don't do drugs. And hey, I didn't even need dozens of pages of script to express that. ()

2. rész: Jules – Baszodjon meg mindenki, aki nem bluggyhal (2021) (S01E10) 

angol The second special didn't win me over either, although I'll admit it was a definite improvement over the first one. Still, I can't say I found it particularly enjoyable. The episode's introduction failed to grab my attention; while the idea with the eye seemed intriguing, I lost interest after just two minutes, especially with music that grated on my nerves. / Lesson learned: You can't stop progress. ()

Season 2 (2022) (S02) 

angol I can't say I was blown away by the second season. Sure, there were some well-crafted episodes, but the plot just didn't grab me, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't relate to the characters. It might be because my teenage years are a distant memory now. I mean, I couldn't even forge a solid friendship, let alone a romantic relationship, with my mobile phone. I draw the line at drugs, and my political correctness only goes so far. You can tell I'm not the target audience, but surprisingly, I'm not bitter about it, as reflected in my rating. / Lesson learned: Say no to drugs. 4*- ()

Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door (2022) (S02E01) 

angol I found myself hesitating for quite some time before diving into the second season. Turns out, my worries were pretty much unfounded. The season kicked off in a big way. All the characters are back, indulging in the usual mix of porn, drinking, drugs, and sex. Surprisingly, or maybe refreshingly, nothing has changed significantly, and I still don't have to root for anyone – the drug dealer remains the most likable character (I wonder what the creators wanted to say by that). So, I can continue to enjoy all the chaos and self-destruction. P.S. Hopefully, I won't have nightmares from all the penises I had to look at. / Lesson learned: Always keep an upper in your sock. ()

Out of Touch (2022) (S02E02) 

angol The second episode felt quite mediocre. Don't get me wrong, there were some standout moments, but this time around, there were more of the weaker ones, making it somewhat dull at times. I wouldn't call it a total letdown, but it fell notably short compared to the previous episode. P.S. I wouldn't mind at all if that annoying little duck was removed from the story. Her prolonged presence might just leave me traumatized. / Lesson learned: Out of sight, out of mind. ()

Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys (2022) (S02E03) 

angol After the previous stumble, the creators managed to up their game a bit, and this part of the story worked out well. But, to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of male full-frontal nudity. Plus, I also discovered that Rue is a popular character, which just goes to show I might not be the target audience for this series. ()

You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can (2022) (S02E04) 

angol Hmm, this episode didn't quite hit the mark for me. However, the beginning did manage to lift my spirits a bit — seeing all those celebrated clichés thrown together was hilarious. The ending, too, had its moments, even though Cal is gradually becoming one of those characters that just irk me (trust me, they all do, varying only in the degree of irritation). But I've got to hand it to him, he bid farewell to his family in a grand way. The plot between the beginning and the ending was completely pointless, though. No real development, just more drinking and snorting. / Lesson learned: Fighting in a gay bar is probably not the best idea. 3*- ()

Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022) (S02E05) 

angol It's not that the episode lacked conviction — quite the opposite, it landed as a real gut-punch. But here's the thing... I'm not a fan of junkies; this episode perfectly illustrates why. Still, all three stars go to the creators for the way they filmed "Run Rue Run." Unfortunately, I couldn't throw in any extra stars because, truth be told, I wasn't entertained. Cheering for a messed-up junkie isn't my thing, and the police failed big time. However, although the plot didn't really grab me, the filmmaking was undeniably brilliant. / Lesson learned: Do you believe a junkie? Suit yourself. ()

A Thousand Little Trees of Blood (2022) (S02E06) 

angol Episode six was a lot more enjoyable than the last one. This time, the creators didn't solely focus on the washed-up junkie and her withdrawal symptoms; they delved into other storylines, which worked much better for me. Considering the issues it tries to tackle, Euphoria won't be my favorite. I can recognize it as a well-made show; I'm just not the target audience. ()

The Theater and It's Double (2022) (S02E07) 

angol The story didn't exactly rocket forward – it was more like a summary of what we've already seen, sprinkled with a few new details. But the execution got me hooked. The creators nailed it with this episode, and I'd give it five stars if it weren't for the fact that the plot didn't move forward much. / Lesson learned: When you find out how others perceive events you remember, it can seriously mess with your head. ()

All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name (2022) (S02E08) 

angol The finale of the second season left me with some seriously mixed feelings. There were parts that I really enjoyed, but just when I thought I might end on a high note, the creators threw in scenes that just didn't do it for me. I mean, the "heroine's" speech at the funeral session felt like déjà vu, and it definitely doesn't get more entertaining with each repetition. Anyway, the important thing is that it's finally over. / Lesson learned: When you're up against overwhelming odds, don't leave the bunker. ()

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