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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



MrHladJurassic World: Bukott birodalom(2018) 

To be honest, I'm quite glad I'm over it. The second Jurassic World isn't a bad movie, but I kind of automatically expect a $170 million blockbuster to look good, show off enough attractions to keep me from getting… (több)

NinadeLCsizmás, a kandúr: A három sátánfajzat(2012) 

Similar to The Cat Haz Swagger, a fictional advertisement, Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos is a companion piece to the full-length Puss in Boots. Nothing more, nothing less. And kittens are just as half-witted as the… (több)

ZízaJurassic World(2015) 

A dinosaur movie that you don't have to think about; if you happen to do so, you'll find it has a lot of plotholes. If you dwell on them, it becomes a pretty annoying movie; but if you get over yourself and think of it… (több)