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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



JeoffreyFallout - Season 1(2024) 

Tell me which Fallout you like, and I'll tell you if you'll like this series! It's pretty straightforward. If you're a die-hard fan of the classic Fallout 1 and 2, and everything after that felt like a betrayal of the… (több)

KakaOrszágúti diszkó(2024) 

Doug Liman off the chain. A decently executed summer testosterone romp that's funny and manages to mix humour, self-parody and action, with a backdrop of the sun-drenched Keys at its back. A worthy remake to the awful… (több)

EvilPhoEniXRicky Stanicky(2024) 

The king of comedy Peter Farrelly is back, and for anyone who likes his early work won’t be disappointed by Ricky Stanicky, especially when it comes to a completely dying genre the comedy with A-list stars, so he's hit… (több)