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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei


Detektiv-2Az éhezők viadala(2012) 

I haven’t read the book, so it is hard to say how well this movie version does in comparison to it, but if I take this as just a movie, it worked exceptionally well! A really gripping adventure sci-fi that grabs on to… (több)

PethushkaRossz tanár(2011) 

Cameron Diaz combined with Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel just makes it enticing... but no one warns you beforehand that Timberlake is playing a complete idiot, Jason Segel doesn't get much of a chance to show what… (több)

KakaAz éhezők viadala(2012) 

I didn't expect anything at all, and yet the film surprised me quite a bit. Anyone who starts talking about artificial romance completely missed the point and reading their reviews is a waste of time because they won't… (több)