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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei


GoldbeaterÓz, a csodák csodája(1939) 

A film of films, an absolute classic. Finally seen on the big screen and with heavy tears during "Over the Rainbow". [KVIFF 2022]

MattyModern idők(1936) 

Until modern times, the Tramp belonged to viewers. Unlike Buster Keaton, he avoided longer-term commitments whenever possible. He flirted with girls, even cautiously kissed them at an unguarded moment, but he was not… (több)

kaylinHoltomiglan, holtodiglan(1939) 

I don't think James Stewart can disappoint me, even in these first films he made. Even though by that time, he already had about two dozen films under his belt, he had only been acting for five years. There's something… (több)

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