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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



For me, despite its qualities, Frankenstein is rather disappointing. Even though at first glance everything is as it should be. After all these years it isn’t even ridiculous for a moment, all roles are acted… (több)

kaylinThe Vampire Bat(1933) 

It's almost surprising that films like Dracula or Frankenstein could have been made at the same time, because they had a lot of good things in them, even if they look dated today. But there have always been bad films,… (több)

D.MooreA generális(1926) 

I'm not saying that this is clearly Buster Keaton's best film (in my view, Sherlock Jr. and Steamboat Bill, Jr. rival him for that title), but it's a great film that can't be faulted at all. Sophisticated action scenes,… (több)

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