Luc BessonOperatőr:
Thierry ArbogastZeneszerző:
Eric SerraSzereplők:
Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker, Luke Perry, Brion James, Marie Guillard, Tommy 'Tiny' Lister, Lee Evans (több)Tartalmak(1)
Minden ötezredik évben egy kapu feltárul két dimenzió között. Az egyikben található az univerzum és benne mindenféle életforma. A másikban a Gonosz, melynek csupán egy célja van: elpusztítani az Életet. Csak a titokzatos ötödik elem mentheti meg a világot az ötezer évenként feltámadó Gonosz pusztításától. Így az univerzumnak minden ötezredik esztendőben szüksége van egy hősre. A XXIII. század veszélyekkel és furcsaságokkal teletűzdelt univerzumában, New Yorkban egy nem mindennapi hős, Korben Dallas száll szembe a Gonosszal, hogy az emberiséget megvédelmezze... (Mozi+)
(több)Videók (1)
Recenziók (10)
Csodás díszlet és fincsi Milla Jovovich ellenállhatatlan narancssárga mikádóval. Luc Bessonnak csodálatra méltó a fantáziája. De tartalmilag a film teljesen hidegen hagyott. Kötetlen szórakozásként is. ()
An incredibly colorful and visually stunning affair that entertains, occasionally even captivates, with its legendary wisecracks and visual-effect-laden, overexposed sequences. It also forces reflection on an interesting mix of genres and visual styles, with a plethora of movie stars overseen by Europe's directors and the scent of a legend, which this film has certainly become over the years. It's all too wild and crazy for higher ratings, but in many aspects, Luc Besson could teach his colleagues a lot with this film. ()
It's a real pity that Chris Tucker is involved. As entertaining as he usually is, here he is more annoying and ruins an otherwise great movie with his performances. The same can be said about Luc Besson himself, who, despite having created a wonderfully fantastic world with a fascinating mythology, couldn't hold back his imagination in the middle part, making the storyline feel a bit cluttered and rushed (especially regarding Corben's development). The biggest strengths of the film are, of course, the adorable Milla Jovovich and the slimy Gary Oldman. ()
The story, which takes us from 1914 to the 23rd century very quickly, has been waiting 20 years to be realized. It’s therefore not surprising that it is not accessible to everyone the first time they watch it. It's part parody of a parody and part celebration of fantasy. I am happy for Moebius and Maïwenn Le Besco. ()
A pastiche of boredom and grayness, despite being artfully wrapped in loud colors. I think I might even have liked The Fifth Element... If it weren’t for one detail. Constant attempts at unintentionally infantile “humor". And I didn’t swallow Besson’s game of pretending that this has a large, rich and chiseled mythology behind it. The Fifth Element has its moments, but, considering how long it is, there are too few of them. ()