I Think We're Alone Now

Előzetes 2


Del (Peter Dinklage) is alone in the world. Literally. After the human race is wiped out, he lives in a small, empty town, methodically going from house to house, collecting batteries and other useful items, and burying the dead. He dines alone, reads, watches movies, and shelves books in the local library he’s made his home. He’s content in his solitude - until he discovers Grace (Elle Fanning), an interloper on his quiet earth. Her history and motives are obscure, and worse yet, she wants to stay. (Sundance Film Festival)


Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A film pokolian lassú, feleslegesen elhúzódó "nyitánya", amely a játékidő kétharmadáig tart. És főleg üres, kevés információt nyújt a szereplőkről vagy a körülöttük lévő világról, és a közöttük lévő kémiai kölcsönhatás is gyenge. Az utolsó harmad tematikusan ugyan kibővíti a történetet, de a nézőt biztosan nem elégíti ki. Különös film, talán még érdekes is, de semmiképpen sem szükséges vagy emlékezetes. [Sitges FF] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol That “nothing happens” here? We must have watched a different film. A very good indie affair for most of its runtime, which surprisingly brings some untested ideas to the post-apocalyptic genre, with a nice chemistry between Dinklage and Fanning, but unfortunately in the last 10 minutes it completely falls apart dramaturgically and loses its sense and logic. Still, I'll stick with the final four star rating that the whole film was going for. It was overall a lot more interesting than I originally expected and I have a soft spot for personal ventures (good advice at the end: never put a rating on FilmBooster :o)) ()