
Eric (Jack O'Connell) is a violent young offender, prematurely thrown into the dark world of an adult prison. As he struggles to assert himself against the prison officers and the other inmates, he has to confront his own father, Nev (Ben Mendelsohn); a man who has spent most of his life in jail. As Eric forges allegiances with other prisoners, he learns that his rage can be overcome and discovers the new rules of survival. But there are forces at work which threaten to destroy him. (20th Century Fox UK)


Videók (3)

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Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A fináléban az apa-fiú vonal eljut valahová, de minden, ami előtte van, csak a börtönös alakok unalmas karaktereinek és egymással vagy a vezetőséggel folytatott csatáiknak idegesítően nyers nyomon követése. Még a pszichológus karaktere, aki segíteni akar a juniornak, sem tesz hozzá semmi hasznosat a filmhez. A leggyengébb abból a tucatnyi durva börtöndrámából, amit spontán bármikor felidézhetsz. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The drama is good, there are no moments when one could laugh. It intensifies towards the end, although it is basically an inevitable culmination, as suggested by the previous course of the whole movie. There are excellent scenes that will truly give you chills, which is exactly what the movie needs. Maybe making it even more intense would be truly climactic. ()


Galéria (29)