Színes könnyek

(fesztivál filmcím)
  • Belgium L'Étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps (több)
Előzetes 1


Egy nő nyomtalanul eltűnik. A férje kétségbeesetten próbál nyomozni eltűnésének rejtélyes körülményei után. Elhagyta volna a felesége? Vagy lehet, hogy meghalt? A férfi keresése során egyre mélyebben merül bele egy eddig ismeretlen, rémálomszerű és erőszakos világba. (Titanic Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál)

Recenziók (4)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film like a Rubik’s Cube composed of giallo ornaments which, however, viewers are not supposed to piece together, but instead only immerse themselves in it and wander in its seams. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A hallucinációk titokzatos mozaikja, amelyek akár jelenthetnek valamit, de talán semmit nem adnak egyszerű cselekménynek: "a férfi felesége eltűnik a belülről zárt apartmanból". Egy nagy sebességű álomszerű őrültség, indokolatlan erotikus és véres jelenetekkel, ami kezdetben érdekes, de egészében egyszerűen nem tud magával ragadni. A cselekmény rejtélyét kibontakoztató jelenetek egy formailag stílusos 10 perces rövidfilmnek felelnek meg. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The couple directing the movie wanted to make a superficial display of stylistic showboating. Bursting with harrowing sounds and elaborate visuals, the movie literally attacks the audience’s senses, but if anyone is expecting a highly-developed storyline from the Strange Color of Your Body's Tears to match the visual spectacle, they will be sorely disappointed. Concerning the plot and storyline, there is a dearth of discernible narrative, so this is a movie which hits two extremes concerning the ratings of both aspects of narrative and visuals. Unfortunately, I was really suffering during the midnight screening, I kept fidgeting in my seat, and the hundred minutes seemed like days. Instead of a quality experience, I just got a severe headache. I would prefer to swerve Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani next time. [LFŠ 2019] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Behind the painting. When one of the characters drills through a head in an Art Nouveau painting and uncovers a deadly secret behind it, the viewer is forced to go beyond the surface of the film image - the horror genre may be profoundly absurd when it comes to meaning, but it is very close to overcoming the image in terms of techniques and effects. Just like in Amer, perhaps the main unifying element here is the evocation of a material, the physical effect of the image on the viewer, who must not remain only at its visual level. The cutting of the skin, stabbing of flesh, blood-tears-saliva, and the impact of sound and objects into the characters' tissue and the viewer's perception - this is the dialectic of the film and the viewer, which logically connects the incompatible story. In The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears, the process by which this is achieved is particularly visible - the physiological effect of the film image always occurs in the (horror) moment of tension, in the suspense of all usual expectations of the ordinary world. Precisely at that moment, there is a screeching sound, stabbing, an attack of the hand or the revelation of an eye, etc. In connection with this, it is necessary to focus on the function of repetition: it is not just about Lynchian repetition on the level of the story, but precisely about the continuous function aimed at suspension - we are always more surprised, more tense, and less certain about what will come, and this feeling is paradoxically strengthened by the procedure when the repetition of plot elements or visual analogies always brings something new at the end. Therefore, the sequence in the middle of the film, serving as a cognitive scheme, is instructive: the main character always wakes up annoyingly to the stabbing sound of the intercom, forced to experience his death in a different way each time in a cutting, stabbing, suffocating, etc., form. ()