


Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. Biological communion - for a price. Syd also supplies illegal samples of these viruses to piracy groups, smuggling them from the clinic in his own body. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate. (Rialto Distribution)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ezt a filmet akkor megnézni, amikor otthon taknyosan küzdesz az átkozott vírussal, ez csemege par excellence. Minden szempontból unszimpatikus film, találó szatirikus témával, és steril formában. Sok a fehér, amin a legjobban látszik a görcsök között kiköhögött vér, herpeszvírusokkal teli fecskendő, hús evése, melyet laborban emberi sejtekből hoztak létre. Bocsánat, a csodált celebek sejtjeiből. “Celebrities are not people. They’re group hallucinations.” A Vírusgazda című film 80 perces játékidőben tudna célzottan szórakoztatni, de így nem. Egyébként szeretem az egyedi filmesek bizarr debütálásait. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Very sick, very hard to watch, very Cronenberg. The comparisons with David Cronenberg’s early works would apply to Antiviral even if it was made by someone completely unrelated. It has many layers, even though the visual impression is different. And it’s actually the visual impression (the white glitz of the clinic against the nastiness that bubbles here and there) and the perverted atmosphere the main basis for my rating so far. I put it on sometime after midnight and I nodded a couple of times (it’s not exactly packed with action :-D). It needs at least one more viewing, but the film is certainly interesting. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Brandon Cronenberg does not deny his origins here, and so he presents a rather visceral and stomach-churning body horror which is a scathing satirical comment on contemporary society. Antiviral is based on a great idea - perfect for a short film. The only real problem with this movie is that Cronenberg has selfishly stretched it out to a lengthy 108 minutes. ()