Az igazság nyomában

  • Egyesült Államok The Cold Light of Day (több)


Will Shaw (Henry Cavill), a Wall Street-i kereskedő Spanyolországba megy nyaralni a családjával, az apjával, Martinnal (Bruce Willis) azonban nagyon feszült a viszonya. Legnagyobb megdöbbenésére elrabolják a családját, és ismeretlen emberek egy aktatáskát keresnek rajta. Meglepetésére az apja is felbukkan, aki elárulja neki, hogy valójában CIA-ügynök, és a vezetője, Carrack (Sigourney Weaver) elárulta. Elmondja, hogy nyakig belekeveredett a kormányzati összeesküvésbe. Will a zsarukkal és bérgyilkosokkal a nyomában versenyt fut az idővel, hogy megmentse a családját. (Pro Video Film)


Videók (14)


Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy sajnálatosan középszerű akcióthriller, amely csak a szereplők miatt érdekes. Az akciójelenetekben időnként akad egy-egy forgatókönyvírói ötlet, de a jeleneteknek hiányzik a tempó és a hevesség. A thrilleres dramaturgia is gyenge, a szereplők nem érdekelnek. Egy drágább német tévés akciófilmhez hasonlít. Henry Cavill-nek hiányzik a szükséges vezetői karizma, Sigourney pedig hűvös, gyilkos ügynök szerepében elfogadható lett volna, talán egy új, ismeretlen színésznőként, de nem mint AZ a Sigourney. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Another MacGuffin in the main role. The hero of this movie is an unlikeable asshole, Bruce disappears too soon, the action is mediocre, Lucía is needlessly loud and if it weren’t for a couple of good ideas from the screenwriters, this would have turned out a totally bland mediocre. El Mechri handled Van Damme the Philosopher much better. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The routine story shakes hands with a pile of clichés, and Mabrouk El Mechri proves that giving him an action thriller was a big mistake. It's an art to misuse Bruce like this, embarrass Sigourney, and suffocate all the charisma that Henry Cavill usually has. 30% of pity goes to the actors. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I wanted to see this action movie. I wanted to see it mainly because of Bruce Willis and the director. But I also saw the reviews here and I said to myself that I would either enjoy this film or I would angrily rate it Boo! I enjoyed the movie, but it sucked. I enjoyed it because the actors were likable, I enjoyed how Bruce portrayed something of a loser who, and this is spoiler, is done for after ten minutes. On the other hand, the director made me mad for the inability to film this properly. The film failed at creating any suspense and mostly lacked action. And when there was some, it was bad.  Too bad that Mabrouk El Mechri didn’t learn his lesson when he worked with JCVD. The action scenes there had some balls and the suspense made me bate my breath. This movie sorely lacks this fast pace. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Mabrouk El Mechri is responsible for the excellent film "JCVD", the main highlight of which was Jean-Claude van Damme himself, who perhaps showed for the first time in his life how great of an actor he could be. Not that he lacked big stars for his next film, quite the opposite, he gathered quite a few of them, but he still made a film that is less action-packed, more like a documentary and a civilian film about Van Damme, less entertaining and ultimately not very meaningful. Bruce Willis, Sigourney Weaver, and Henry Cavill. That is a cast that could work wonders. However, Bruce's role ends quite early, Sigourney has little space and is made into a simple, one-dimensional character. The focus is then on Cavill, who has great action proportions but that doesn't mean they are utilized. The film is ridiculous in its attempt to create a conspiracy that is deep within the government, but in reality, it is just one person that is being fought against the entire time. The fact that there is some past involved has minimal significance, just like the unnecessary revelation of family relationships. In terms of action, the film has nothing to offer, it's just a mix of chases and shooting without any creativity. In this aspect, the film differs, for example, from "The Expendables" where the action was fantastic, inventive, and truly explosive. More: ()

Galéria (54)