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Az amerikai haditengerészet legnagyobb és leghatékonyabb csatahajója, a USS Missouri dicsőséges pályafutásának végére ért, s most az egykor népes legénységgel felszerelt cirkáló alig néhány emberrel indul utolsó útjára a Csendes-óceánon. Casey Rybackről, a hajó jámbor szakácsáról csak kevesen tudják, hogy valamikor mindenre elszánt harcosként szolgált Vietnamban és a Közel-Keleten. A sors azonban gyökeresen másként alakítja Ryback életét, hiszen amikor a Missouri terroristák célpontjává válik, akik meg akarják szerezni a hajó nukleáris fegyvereit, Rybacknek a maroknyi legénység élére kell állnia, hogy megvédje a hajót, miközben a szárazföldön milliók rettegnek lélegzetvisszafojtva a fenyegető nukleáris háborútól… (RTL Klub)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An excellent action flick. In many aspects copies the older and equally successful Die Hard, but the setting at sea and the thrilling moves of Steven Seagal have their charm, and you certainly won't be bored watching this now possibly legendary film. After The Fugitive and Perfect Murder, this is Andrew Davis's best film. Casey Ryback is definitely the best character Steven Seagal has ever had, and thank God for that. The perfect musical score also stands out, especially in the action sequences. There is no shortage of shootouts and brutal one-on-one fights, exactly what we are used to from Seagal movies. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol 55% – Steven Seagal is simply not my cup of tea. There is one great scene with Erika Eleniak, otherwise this is just an uninteresting aimless shootout. Andrew Davis and Tommy Lee Jones were just warming up a bit before The Fugitive. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Certainly one of Seagal’s better movies. A classic worth watching again. Plus, it has a perfect Tommy Lee Jones as the villain, obviously loving his role and they also threw in the gorgeous Erika Eleniak for decoration. What more could a man wish for? :) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A former Playboy model and a hard-working cook. Instead of a warm romance amidst the steely coolness of a floating world unto itself, there's a contact action flick about a guy who could beat the shit out of those steel gates. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For me, probably the best Seagal movie, which is nevertheless not a compliment, as high-quality films are not present in his filmography and the majority of the films he has made have extremely dim-witted scripts and dull acting performances, even by the standards of his genre. Here, there are also script inconsistencies and obvious nonsense (two terrorists are ordered to "neutralize" a locked and bound Seagal, who until then had presented zero risk to the raiding party, and only then will they allow him to escape and be killed by him). On the other hand, the direction is fast-paced and the film has a decent cast for an action genre (Colm Meaney, Tommy Lee Jones). Overall impression 40%. ()

Galéria (66)