
  • Egyesült Államok Shoot 'Em Up
Előzetes 1

Streaming (1)


Nincs megállás. Egy titokzatos férfi, aki Mr. Smith-nek nevezi magát (Clive Owen) és akiről csak annyit tudhatunk, hogy virtuóz módon bánik a pisztollyal, belekeveredik egy vajúdó nő körül kitört utcai lövöldözésbe. Az újszülöttet megvédi a támadóktól, ám az anyját már nem tudja megvédeni. Hamarosan kiderül, hogy a gyilkosok nem az anyára, hanem a gyerekre vadásztak. Attól kezdve a férfi nem szabadul kénytelen megvédeni a csecsemőt, aki rá is szorul a fegyveres támogatásra: egy elszánt bűnöző (Paul Giamatti) ugyanis mindenáron el akarja pusztítani. Mr. Smith és egy váratlanul a segítségére siető prostituált (Monica Bellucci) megpróbálja elrejteni a babát. A város egyre különösebb és félelmetesebb részeire jutnak el, miközben egy hadseregnyi zsoldos van a nyomukban. (InterCom)


Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Szerencsére legalább annyira szórakoztató, mint amennyire hülye. A Woo Fegyverek istene című filmjéből kiinduló non-stop akciós szórakozás a nyolcvanas évek akcióit és a klasszikus rock slágereket imádó rajongók számára. Nekem inkább Paul Oakenfold tetszett, jelenetben az autókkal és utazó babával. Érdekes látni, hogy Clive Owen mennyire más filmben alakítja újra ugyanazt a karaktert, amit Az ember gyermeke című filmben - miközben ugyanolyan jól áll neki. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I really enjoyed this. Stylish, but above all a parody, very much a parody. Awash with testosterone to the point that it can't be taken seriously for even a split second. It flies in all directions, sometimes toward Bond, other times toward Tarantino. I had fun, and except for a few cardboard scenes, the film is energetic and has a contagious appeal. Owen with carrots = love it. This film was made so you could turn off your brain and enjoy yourself. As stupid as MOTORHEAD hits and just as catchy. Fuck off fucking fuckers! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Load your guns, take a bite of carrots, undo the lids, and let's go with Smith. Just be careful of one important task. Turn off your brain. It's annoying, overused, and almost hated by me, but there's no other way here. I haven't found such a brutally convoluted plot in an action movie yet. That's how much Crank was shot up, slightly crazy, and therefore infinitely enjoyable. Shoot 'Em Up is insane. Mostly entertaining, but occasionally unfortunately unbearable. It's partly because of Giamatti's somewhat boring immortality, Clive's invincibility, and especially Monica's bursting charm, which compels one to dig their nails into the armrest and pray for more carrots with every adorable line. When Owen looks mean and starts wreaking havoc with any weapon, there's something to watch. It just needed a tangled, thorough final scene. Like this, I'll happily discuss some successful sparks or adrenaline-raising banter between the villain and the hero, but none of it will stay with me for long. Although I must admit that expecting a lot from the movie here was solely my mistake. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol They say never overstep the mark. And in Shoot ‘Em Up they clearly forgot about this saying. Michael Davis had good intentions, but wasn’t able to get more out of them than slightly above average. And that’s mainly thanks to great actors, great wisecracks and new, original ideas. Maybe if someone else had filmed his screenplay. Maybe... I dunno... Mike Bay? :) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This film is a brilliant showcase of the current state of the middle-of-the-road commercial mainstream of Hollywood's wannabe cool modern production, and I wouldn't hesitate to say that it's pretty shitty. The film is full of cool quotes, the action is even more action-packed, the biggest tough guy is even tougher, and the sex bombs are even sexier (which is actually the only thing that didn’t bother me). If this mess was supposed to directly parody or imitate some famous films of the past, it failed. You won't see anything more stupid in the cinema this year. I don't understand those star names, I don't understand the incredibly confusing and bad action scenes, I don't understand this whole garbage wannabe stylish action flick. It might make you laugh at times, but certainly not in the right sense. A giant piece of crap. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "A bulletproof vest is a better investment than a cradle. Quite a thrilling action with an interesting villain, but not interestingly written, interestingly played. Paul Giamatti is simply cool. Clive Owen also fits the role, a good tough guy. Interesting moments, sometimes quite sterile. It's not as entertaining as it seems, but occasionally the action grabs the viewer. Today I'm giving out too high ratings. Well, for those stupid tricks, I have to go for just an average rating." ()