
Előzetes 5
Dráma / Horror
Egyesült Királyság, 2022, 100 perc (Alternatív 96 perc)


Egy szörnyű veszteséget követően Harper elmenekül Londonból, és az idilli angol vidék egy eldugott kis házikójában keres menedéket. De a gyógyuláshoz, akárcsak a változáshoz, idő kell. A fájdalmas emlékek és az elviselhetetlen bűntudat miatt Harper megváltásra szomjazik. Azonban a hely, ahova gyógyulni jött, hátborzongató titkokat rejt. Minél több időt tölt a furcsa közösségben, annál több hátborzongató felfedezést tesz, míg végül kezdetét veszi egy leírhatatlan rémálom. (ADS Service)


Videók (4)

Előzetes 5

Recenziók (8)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Alex Garland a horror feszültség mestere, az első jelenet a meztelen férfival az ablak mögött abszolút csemege. De a világért sem esik bele a műfaji skatulyába. Az Ők című filmje egy lenyűgöző, összefüggési kérdőjelekkel teli hallucinogén utazás, melyek a nyugtalanító, sőt ijesztő jelenetek harmonikus sorozatából bontakoznak ki. Egy LSD-utazás, amelyben bolyong a főhősnő, pusztító bűntudattól gyötörve. Tragikus eseménytől megrázva, melyet egy Vénuszról és egy Marsról származó lény közötti intim konfliktus okozott. Lelki gyötrelem, hogy nem tudunk megérteni valamit, amit nem is lehet megérteni. Nem vártam volna, hogy egy férfi készít erről egy nehéz pszichológiai filmet, de a hangulatos, filmes szempontból csiszolt, a nézőt nem kímélő rémálmok kedvelőjeként átkozottul örülök neki. Garland egy másik bolygóról jött. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I tried and I tried, I guess I missed the point in the end, but that doesn't mean I'm not satisfied. On the contrary, Men is one of those films that doesn't tell you everything, but doesn't annoy you with it and lets you think for yourself. Wonderfully immersive atmosphere, an excellent Jessie Buckley and a superb Rory Kinnear (I don't know him much, so I admit I had no idea how many roles he actually played until the end). I will gladly watch it again some day. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The first half had me excited as perhaps no other recent film has. The mysterious atmosphere, supported by the perfectly chosen music and the sound and image tricks completely fascinated me and I was looking forward to what Garland would surprise me with next. Unfortunately, from the scene in the church it's just a solo for the main character and one actor in wig changes, and it becomes a very weird thing that goes nowhere. It's just Harper watching various body-horror scenes, and occasionally the parson, who I think us the weakest component of the film, utters some pearl of wisdom, and you get a sense of bewilderment and would-be art that wants so much to tempt your own interpretation, but without anything to grasp on. Alex, you’ve tried to get me drunk with a bun, but I prefer a proper black Guinness. Probably the weakest of the three films Garland has directed so far. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I went for the horror film of the year, came away rather disappointed with a nicely made oddity. I can't come up with any meaningful or thought-provoking interpretation, and the ones I can think of feel banal. And without any supporting ideas, Men is left with a few creepy scenes and one delicious body horror sequence, though in terms of scares, however, the film is not intense enough for this alone to satisfy me. Judging by the final half hour, when the narrative, still relatively anchored in reality, falls apart, Men obviously wants to be first and foremost a parable, not narrative horror that will thrill and frighten the viewer. And, at least after the first screening, I simply can’t figure out what it wants to say (or rather, I want to believe that it wants to say more than what I actually see in it), and at the same time it didn’t engage me enough to enjoy thinking about it. Definitely the weakest Garland so far, I’m even thinking of knocking it down to two stars. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Alex Garland (Ex-Machina, Annihilation) tries his hand at folk Horror under the A24 banner and it's properly controversial and only for a fringe audience, but those who like his directorial style might find it to their liking. The story focuses on Jessie Buckley who, after the death of her husband, arrives in a remote village to come up with new ideas, but the magical surroundings and a naked man stalking her from afar give her more nightmares. Garland delivers quite an original mystery oddity full of metaphors, symbols, interesting dialogue, beautiful scenery and unconventional horror. Rory Kinnear is excellent, playing all the male characters in the film and being a proper weirdo and sleazeball (I can't remember a film where one actor played 20 different roles in one film), making Garland stand out again. The first hour is a lot of slow building but once Garland switches into horror mode he conjures up some interesting stunts (the hand ripped in half by a knife is impressive!). The atmosphere is cramped and at times uncomfortable and the final body horror sequence is downright glorious, one that even Cronenberg would not be ashamed of. I immediately thought of The Fly, Alien and the famous Zygote all rolled into one. Garland built the film on the mythology surrounding the Green Man and it's quite similar to the recent Gaia from Africa. Story 4/5. Action 2/5, Humor 0/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 2/5, Actors 4/5. 7/10. ()

Galéria (21)