Netflix - Streaming


Elérhető 2023.03.17  







novotenSunderland, amíg csak élek - Season 2(2020) 

With new owners comes a new perspective, where I enjoy watching the relentless effort to break everything up with good ideas and endless determination, but the series, changed almost beyond recognition, loses some of… (több)

MarigoldSunderland, amíg csak élek - Season 2(2020) 

Why is it never us? Even the second season is not so much about football, tactics and the dressing room, but rather about the chemistry between senior management, employees and fans. I've only shed tears a few times in… (több)

EvilPhoEniXAz ártatlan(2021) 

Oriol Paulo is a God, a genius, and Maestro all in one, serving one of the best crime-thriller TV series of recent years. I admit I was skeptical about The Innocent and put it off for three weeks, mainly because I had… (több)