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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



EvilPhoEniXÍgy neveld a sárkányodat 3.(2019) 

Each episode is four and five years apart, leaving absolutely no chance to remember any characters or previous events, so I got a little lost. The animation is solid, but there’s not enough humor for my taste and I wasn… (több)

OthelloAz útvesztő(2014) 

From the perspective of the managers of the maze, it's actually a pretty sad story. Just put yourself in their shoes – you spend considerable funds on your social experiment to map the survival skills of a closed-off… (több)

JFL007 Nincs idő meghalni(2021) 

Bond has never been progressive in the sense of setting trends or coming up with anything new, and the films starring Daniel Craig are no different in that respect. This is most evident in the action sequences, where we… (több)