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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



lampsRichie Rich - Rosszcsont beforr(1994) 

God, why? I love the first two episodes of Home Alone and actually grew up on them, but this was a hard and undeserved low-blow. I'm tempted to throw some profanities, but I'll keep my temper in check. At least John… (több)

NecrotongueGalaxy Quest - Galaktitkos küldetés(1999) 

This is an absolutely perfect comedy. I have seen Galaxy Quest many times and hope to see it many times more. In a brilliant parody of Star Trek, I was most entertained by Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver and the… (több)

kaylinScooby-Doo: A nagy csapat(2002) 

That’s too bad. I was afraid it would be really dumb, so I avoided the movie Scooby-Doo for a long time. Eventually, I did watch it, and I found out that it really is quite stupid. The absolutely imbecilic humor… (több)