Disney+ - Streaming


Elérhető 2008.05.04  


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Elérhető 2008.04.28
Elérhető 2008.04.27
Elérhető 2008.04.26


Elérhető 2008.04.24
Elérhető 2008.04.22
Elérhető 2008.04.21


Elérhető 2008.04.20
Elérhető 2008.04.19



StanislausA Vasember(2008) 

I've kept Iron Man in my drawer for a long time, but since I wanted to fill out the Marvel Universe, it was necessary to go back to almost the very beginning of this comic book franchise. After watching the first one, I… (több)

KakaA Vasember(2008) 

A funny and entertaining gem that is several miles ahead of the awkward and clumsy Spiderman with its lightness and detachment. Robert Downey Jr. is incredibly sharp, his condo in Malibu beach is flawless, just like the… (több)

MarigoldA Vasember(2008) 

Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man. Without him, this film would really be just routine scrap metal, but thanks to Downey, Gwynneth Paltrow and Jeff Bridges, it's a surprisingly catchy and likeable film. Of course, it's hard… (több)