Disney+ - Streaming


Elérhető 2013.02.11  


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3DD!3Die Hard - Drágább, mint az életed(2013) 

This time he brought you a Mercedes... The only thing that didn’t drop in quality was Beltrami’s music. Otherwise, this is like falling painfully on your face. For me, this isn’t another episode of that excellent series… (több)

MalarkeyDie Hard - Drágább, mint az életed(2013) 

One awaits another instalment with excited anticipation, but in the end, the Die Hard saga only gets disappointing. Bruce Willis is getting old, he’s basically an old geezer now and at the beginning, he couldn’t have… (több)

D.MooreDie Hard - Drágább, mint az életed(2013) 

McClane's back, say and write what you want. It's still him. Yes, the reconciliation between father and son is hellish and we've seen it many times and better (Indiana Jones IV), but is that what A Good Day to Die Hard… (több)