Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Elérhető 2012.01.01  



Elérhető 2011.12.31


Elérhető 2011.12.29
Elérhető 2011.12.28
Elérhető 2011.12.27
Elérhető 2011.12.25


Elérhető 2011.12.23
Elérhető 2011.12.20


A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



J*A*S*MHadak útján(2011) 

A much more unbearable film than I could have ever expected. Technically speaking, it’s good, of course, but the dialogues are a pain to listen to, the main characters are unlikeable (all of them, and the main teenage… (több)

DaViD´82Hadak útján(2011) 

This is going against the flow a little, but my problem with Warhorse isn’t that it’s a “chintzy Hollywood Spielbergesque tearjerker", but that in the end it isn’t like that at all. But that’s what it’s trying to be;… (több)

FilmmaniakA legsötétebb óra(2011) 

Like Cowboys & Aliens, in this film true stupidity and the perverted fun associated with it go hand in hand. The film is often boring - watching a small group of survivors running around depopulated Moscow quickly… (több)