Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Elérhető 2015.01.05  
Elérhető 2015.01.02
Elérhető 2015.01.01






A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



novotenBirdman avagy (A mellőzés meglepő ereje)(2014) 

All the brooding, sadness, decline, or self-examination may not be too original at its core – but that infinitely perfect form is. After two breathless and witty hours, it is almost irrelevant that Alejandro González… (több)

LimaBirdman avagy (A mellőzés meglepő ereje)(2014) 

I know of better films about the plight of acting while paying homage to the work of the theatre. This is nothing but an attempt at an artsy film of the European kind, but by an established Hollywood filmmaker, where… (több)

D.MooreBirdman avagy (A mellőzés meglepő ereje)(2014) 

An excellent film, but it's not amazing - in the end it completely pushes away Edward Norton’s character (I don't often like him, but he's really great here), his Mike doesn't get any real ending... I can't forgive… (több)