Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Elérhető 2016.01.01  


Elérhető 2015.12.31


Elérhető 2015.12.30
Elérhető 2015.12.25
Elérhető 2015.12.24
Elérhető 2015.12.23


Elérhető 2015.12.21
Elérhető 2015.12.18
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Elérhető 2015.12.11
Elérhető 2015.12.10


Elérhető 2015.12.08
Elérhető 2015.12.05


A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



NecrotongueMegjött Apuci(2015) 

A weak three stars. Some moments had me laughing out loud (the U ramp, the basketball, or the motorbike), but the film also had way too many dull moments, which were unfunny or downright cringey. The supporting… (több)

agentmikyA tenger szívében(2015) 

I don’t want to say that I’ve turned my back on Ron Howard, but after his last directorial effort, Inferno, I was left with rather mixed feelings. I gave him another chance and watched a film from a seemingly different… (több)

MrHladStar Wars: Az ébredő Erő(2015) 

It's all there. Abrams promised that his Star Wars would be traditional, classic, and fans would be excited about it, and he delivered. It's all right here. When the old heroes show up, be they human, alien or… (több)