Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

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Elérhető 2017.01.18


A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



kaylinA préri urai(2016) 

A modern western tale that is incredibly well-suited by its choice of cast, with Ben Foster brilliantly unhinged, Chris Pine convincingly enigmatic, and of course, Jeff Bridges, who although you might start feeling he's… (több)

EvilPhoEniXAz éjszaka törvénye(2016) 

I'm not too happy. I admire Ben Affleck for being able to direct, write the script and play the lead role, not many people can do that, but the film itself is rather bland. Of the modern gangster flicks I like Gangster… (több)

IsherwoodA préri urai(2016) 

A pure post-western that doesn't remember the old days fondly, but laments the misery of the present, which doesn't favor cowboys. It’s a wistful tale from the borderlands that reigns in its casting and pure direction.… (több)