
The summer school holiday begins and editor Hlavsa is looking forward to having a calm and peaceful house as soon as he takes his three children and grandmother to the summer cottage. The editor-in-chief, however, takes him by unpleasant surprise, asking him to write feature-articles from the life of children, which are to be regularly published in the summer time. The grandmother is a little scared in the countryside and, imprudently, expresses her wish to the children that they should have a dog to guard them. The children love animals, and thus agree happily. Hlavsa first resists but then arrives with a kitten at least. The children are not satisfied with that and go on longing for a dog. The whole matter serves Hlavsa as the subject for his first column, which meets unexpected success. The editor-in-chief gives him a puppy for the children. Hlavsa is looking forward to surprising the children on Saturday - but there is a surprise waiting for him instead. In the cottage, he is welcomed by eleven dogs of various races and sizes which either arrived as gifts from people who had read Hlavsa's articles or the children got themselves. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

