A benned élő szörnyeteg


Streaming (1)


A különleges alakulat labilis veteránja a lánya emberrablóit üldözve kiengedi a benne élő szörnyeteget, ám hamarosan maga is gyanúsítottá válik. (Netflix)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's not a great, but I've seen worse things. The protagonist is a fairly decent thug and the fights are not the worst within Italian production. There is also a bit of violence, the visuals are okay. It's just a movie that would fit on TV after 10 pm. Although I wasn't bored, story-wise the film is very weak and there isn't that much action for me to at least give it an average rating. Story**, Action***, Humor> No, Violence***, Entertainment***, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere**, Tension**. 4/10. ()

Galéria (4)