Streaming (1)


A violent man in the highlands of the Greek province traffics emigrants and young hookers from the Balkan countries. The man doesn't dare to prostitute his teenage daughter, Fanny. Fanny, addicted to drugs now and mentally quite invalid, does not resist to the violence of her father and works for him as a prostitute. Thus the father wishes to prostitute also and his young son, Christos.

Immature and still enclaved in the violence of his father, Christos has a suicidal behavior. Between the brother and the sister appears inevitably herotism. They have only each other. But no one of them however admits it. And none of them both can still do something for the other. Fanny collapses day by day. The father continues reigning. His younger son, Christos, however resists. After the puberty, the hour of succession comes for a man. He denies his prostitution from his father. But in the kingdom of the father, the last word belongs to the king ... (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
