
"Remembrance of Courage Past" Courage sees a "Missing Dog" ad on the side of a milk container, which causes him to have flashbacks of himself as a puppy going to the veterinarian – where his parents were kidnapped, and Courage failed to rescue them. The flashbacks cause Courage to get depressed, so Muriel takes him to Doctor Teenytodd, a veterinarian who turns out to be the kidnapper from Courage's flashbacks. He kidnaps dogs and sends them into space. Courage is kidnapped and headed for the same fate as his parents, unless he can overcome his past, destroy the factory and the spaceship. "Perfect" The Farmer gets fed up with Courage's incompetence, and begins looking for a professional to make Courage better. The Perfectionist appears, an old Victorian schoolteacher who carries a large wooden ruler and speaks in a commanding tone. The Perfectionist begins showing Courage how to be perfect, but he fails at all the assignments. Courage must find a way to be "perfect" or get rid of The Perfectionist. (iTunes)

