
  • Egyesült Államok Daybreak
Előzetes 1
Dráma / Fantasy / Misztikus / Horror
Egyesült Államok, 2019, 7 h 47 perc (Percek: 39–50 perc)


Brian Ralph (képregény)


Andrew Lockington
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)



Nincs is jobb a poszt-apokaliptikus Los Angelesnél. Egy srác mindent megtesz álmai csajáért, miközben rászedi a lelketlen gonosztevőket és az agyatlan bandákat. (Netflix)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Daybreak television series is definitely not as funny as I would have hoped, and it is not as much of a ride as I would have thought. Despite some blind spots, it is a relatively original post-apocalyptic look at a small town and its inhabitants, which is not boring, at least not most of the time. Obviously, it is aimed at young adults, and the eighth episode does not work at all because of that. It does not work because the dramatic love story is just too corny. ()