Streaming (1)


Otis úgy érzi, Jean új könyve megsértette, Maeve elviszi a balhét a testvére helyett. Eric egy régi ellenségével együtt kerül büntetésbe, Lilyt cserben hagyja a teste. (Netflix)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol It was close, and the eighth episode would have ranked among the top three episodes of the series. But then strange things started to happen, another character appeared, confirming my suspicion that even though supposedly only 4% of people are homosexual in reality, in movies and series it's more like 40%. Moreover, the sweater return scene was so ridiculously cliché that I couldn't give it a higher rating. ()

Galéria (2)