Karácsonyi cserebere

  • Egyesült Államok The Princess Switch (több)

Streaming (1)


Amikor egy hétköznapi chicagói cukrász és egy jövendőbeli hercegnő rájönnek, hogy olyanok, mint két tojás, karácsonyi, helycserés terveket szőnek. (Netflix)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I've always wanted an exchange like this to be resolved by the two of them talking to each other and not having some dramatic outburst... here I sort of got my wish, but everyone was so sunny, no conversation was actually brought to fruition, such that nothing was shown except their side, which was beaming with a big plus and a smile. But what do you expect from a Christmas movie like this, right? Characters to have more than one character trait! A prince who can act?! To be less preachy and more story-driven?! No, we can't ask for that. A glittery Christmas washout. ()