Bruce Lee and the Outlaw

  • angol Bruce Lee & the Lost Boys (munkacím)
Egyesült Királyság / Hollandia, 2018, 85 perc


Joost Vandebrug


Joost Vandebrug


Daniel Gadd


Nicu lives in the streets of Bucharest. One day his dream comes true. The unquestioned king of Bucharest’s underworld, the man they call Bruce Lee, takes him under his wings. He’s strong, he’s smart and… he’s painted silver. Nicu and other petty thieves and drug dealers go to live in the tunnels of the central heating network under the city. Bruce takes care of everyone, setting up the semblance of a home these boys have never had. That’s when the documentary’s director enters Nicu’s life. When Nicu becomes severely ill during shooting, the crew take him to the hospital. The boy has to make a choice between accepting help and returning to life in the tunnels. Filmed over 6 years, this is the moving story of a modern-day Romanian Oliver Twist. (Warsaw Film Festival)
