Sea Prayer

összes plakát
Egyesült Királyság, 2017, 7 perc


Francesca Panetta


Francesca Panetta


Two years ago, three-year-old Syrian Alan Kurdi became one of the many to drown in the Mediterranean en route from Syria to the Greek mainland. The photograph of his lifeless body rapidly spread throughout the world. Khaled Hosseini, author of the world-renowned bestseller The Kite Runner, has written an intimate conversation that Alan’s father might have had with his son on their way to a future without war. The father’s monologue is initially accompanied by simple animation that gradually becomes complete and surrounds the observer in the 3D realm of virtual reality, in the same way as, on that fateful day, the merciless sea swallowed the small boy. This simple but intense form brings to light the hopeless situation in which the Syrian refugees find themselves on their journey to freedom. (One World)
