Das wandernde Bild

  • angol The Wandering Image (több)
Német Birodalom, 1920, 45 perc


Fritz Lang


Fritz Lang, Thea von Harbou


Guido Seeber


After the death of his brother Georg, John Vanderheit Hans Mar) expects to inherit his fortune. Unfortunately, just before he died Georg made a will in which he bequeathed his entire estate to his wife, Irmgard (Mia May). Unwilling to yield to John, Irmgard takes flight and undertakes a hazardous journey into the mountains. Here, she meets a kindly hermit who offers her shelter. John is not far behind, however, and when Imrgard repulses him he causes an avalanche in an attempt to kill her. Trapped in the hermit’s shelter, Irmgard’s new friend removes his hood – and reveals that he is her husband Georg... Directed by Fritz Lang. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
