Streaming (1)


A baráti társaság nyaralni megy - Brazíliába! A szerelemspár, Sonia és Franck meghívta a haverokat Sonja nagyképű apjának, Alainnek a tulajdonában lévő luxusszállodába. Franck titokban tervezi, hogy megkérje Sonia kezét ezért mindent megtesz, hogy megpróbálja megnyerni az apját és megkapja az atyai jóváhagyást, de a helyzet katasztrófális – és ilyen barátokkal mint amilyen neki van, kinek van szüksége ellenségekre? (Big Bang Media)


Recenziók (3)

Filmmaniak Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Unfunny hogwash, offering poorly-directed scenes on the level of a slightly better home-video, full of demented gags and unsympathetic protagonists who are ignorant, selfish and terribly stupid idiots. The concept of using found footage is unbelievable and unconvincing, because the seemingly “real" shots from the go-pro camera contain a video editing, song accompaniment and other elements that a randomly found recording from a hand-held camera should not contain. The actors just scream, roll their eyes and grimace. It’s an outright sloppy comedy that arose as a by-product of the actors and film crew enjoying a great holiday. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Such an ordinary sequel, which maintained the level of the first film, among other things, by choosing a slightly exotic setting. However, the film mainly shows how Christian Clavier has aged and is slowly getting into shape, in which he could rather play Obelix instead of Asterix. You might laugh at something here and there. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At first I thought this was going to be another desperately unfunny comedy that would be a waste of time. However, from about the visit to the cave and the subsequent situation concerning the crash of the ultralight, where I laughed a lot, it started to amuse me. Among the funniest moments, I definitely count the ones featuring Grandma Jolanda. (65%) ()