
Miles Daly nagyon közel kerül ahhoz, hogy valóra váltsa a hosszú távú elképzelését. Eközben Rick Moreweather ultimátumot ad Amara De Escalones számára, mialatt Miles partnere, Louis Darnell váratlanul meglepi Gladyst New Yorkban. (Cinemax)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol In my last review, I applauded how Miles' plan was unfolding, and then came the fifth episode, a real surprise. I found it amusing how the creators skillfully tapped into one of the current main trends without coming across as overly simplistic or silly, as often happens. This episode had an even bigger impact on me than the previous two, so I felt compelled to give it extra credit in my rating. ()

Galéria (21)