Emberrablás Clevelandben



2002-ben Ariel Castro elrabolja Michelle-t, a 21 éves, egyedülálló anyát. Később a férfi két tizenévest is elrabol, Amandát és Ginát összezárja Michelle-lel, aki összebarátkozik velük. Amikor Amanda terhes lesz, Michelle gondját viseli a babának, annak ellenére, hogy Castro kijelenti, ha a gyermek meghal, akkor megöli. A 11 éves fogság ellenére Michelle nem törik meg, a reménytelen helyzetben sem veszíti el emberségét. 2013-ban mentik ki a házból, és esélyt kap, hogy visszaszerezze régi életét. (Cinemax)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I think the reports that have been on TV have done a greater service than this film. I see this more as an effort to publicize the events a bit more and perhaps boost sales of a book by one of the victims. Even if that is the case, I don't blame her. You can make a business out of anything. But the film should definitely have been grittier and more explicit. This is really just a TV movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A TV movie involving a whole lot of mediocrity: the actors, the screenplay and pretty much everything that is happening in the movie, or rather not happening. And that’s despite the fact that the story is pretty much made to be turned into a film and it really reminds me of last year’s Oscar-winning piece The Room. I didn’t really find that one amazing either. It might be because the entire movie is really impersonal and cruel. Raymond Cruz does everything in his power to ensure that a hundred people out of hundred hate his guts. ()


Galéria (18)