Haverok fegyverben

  • Egyesült Államok War Dogs (több)
Előzetes 2


Ne légy szerény! Ez az üzleti világ alapszabálya. Efraim Diveroli (Jonah Hill) és David Packouz (Miles Teller) ugyan semmit nem tud sem szabályokról sem az üzleti világról – lepukkant kis szobában élnek Miamiban, és napjuk nagy részét különféle füvek szívásával töltik –, de amikor meghökkentő módon az ölükbe pottyan a szerencse, nem mondanak nemet: és hamarosan aláírnak egy háromszáz millió dolláros szerződést a Védelmi Minisztériummal. Vállalják, hogy fegyvert és muníciót szállítsanak Afganisztánba az USA szövetségeseinek. Nem csináltak még ilyet soha, ennyi pénzről még csak álmodni sem mertek, de igent mondanak – és igyekeznek a lehető legtöbbet kihozni a helyzetből, amivel elképesztő bonyodalmakba keverik magukat. Orosz fegyverkereskedők, albán gengszterek, washingtoni politikusok, egy svájci külkereskedő keringenek körülöttük... Miami Beachtől az iraki-afgán határig ver hullámokat ez a szélhámosság. (InterCom)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (11)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A decent comedy that turns into a drama and works. Now I know what to do when my girlfriend gets pregnant. The rather slow introduction and a few quiet sequences are a shame. If it wasn’t for Hill, the movie would be half-baked. The annoying, put-on laughter alone is Oscar standard. A good soundtrack. Screw the American taxpayer. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It is alright to look at, but War Dags is still a terribly pointless film. The humour is surprisingly absent (given the comedy director) and doesn’t have anything else to offer in other aspects. In order to be the next Wolf of Wall Street or the next The Big Short (which have a similar premise, about cunts who become rich thanks to to being cunts), this film would need more interesting characters, a more surprising and original script, and a more polished style. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I can do these movies. Miles Teller is slowly but surely building his career and Jonah Hill is already a star on the comedy scene and here he more or less pulls the whole film off. I find movies based on real events that happened recently far more appealing than movies based on reality from the distant past. The humour goes slightly sideways, I laughed the most at Hill's odd laugh, but the film keeps a decent pace, something is constantly happening, trouble is afoot and it ends dramatically. In truth, I was even slightly envious. A good and entertaining film. 80%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The film is reflecting the time it was made in and carries in a similar vein like Pain and Gain or The Wolf of Wall Street. There is action, there is drama, some American themes, they drop in a joke here and there and overall, the camera is pretty good, so it doesn’t let you get bored for even a minute and at the same time you are fully aware of the fact that you are not watching a cheap blockbuster, but rather a very good and effective American drama. The duo Miles Teller and Jonah Hill are a great fit in this one. While I have rather liked Miles as a person since the beginning of his career, I’m still not there with Jonah. But both of them have heavenly acting skills and the whole thing is under the patronage of Bradley Cooper, who has over the years evolved into the producer of this kind of films and into an actor who often plays supporting but important characters. He was once again flawless. Just a glimpse of him and every scene had a stamp of quality that significantly improved the whole film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Pleasant one-off. Too politically correct and a bit simplistic, but as a sequence of funny scenes with the great acting tandem of Miles Teller and Jonah Hill, it's fine. If you don't see it, you're not missing out on anything groundbreaking, but as light entertainment that so peripherally winks at the absurdities of war conflicts, the fact that it's money laundering, and shows the "beauty" of Albania (and the fact that there are good businessmen there too), it's OK. ()

Galéria (37)