Streaming (1)


Szétszakad a Nakayama család. Chester megpróbál felkutatni valakit, aki segíthet. Járvány tör ki a táborban, ami miatt Amynek cselekednie kell, de a parancsok a lelkiismerete ellen szólnak. (Prime Video)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Except for the Frankenstein's Bride (meaning the bride of the monster that Viktor created) from the episode introduction, it was a fairly boring affair. Sure, things were happening, but the whole episode lacked atmosphere and tension. I couldn't even form any connection to the characters who left the series this time, so their fate didn't really concern me. To improve the situation, a horror genre would be needed. ()

Galéria (14)