
Frank Farmer (Kevin Costner) olyan ember, aki hisz a fegyelemben. Az egykori titkos ügynök profi testőrként dolgozik, és szakmájának egyik legjobbja. A sors egy nap összehozza Rachel Marronnal (Whitney Houston), a népszerű popsztárral. A fiatal énekesnő felfelé ívelő karrierjét úgy tűnik semmi sem állíthatja meg, de ezért el kell viselnie a sikerrel járó kényelmetlenségeket: a menedzsert, az újságírókat, a kísérőszemélyzetet, és természetesen a rajongókat, akik közül az egyik őrült levelekkel zaklatja a sztárt. Rachelnek testőrre van szüksége, és mivel Frank Farmer a legjobb a szakmában, őt kéri fel a nő a veszélyes feladatra. (Film+)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Genre sentiment is exactly my cup of tea, but Bodyguard never grew on me. Kevin Costner does a great job in his role, but as an actress, Whitney Houston, despite her famous and now immortal song, absolutely doesn't work. My unforgettable Hollywood romantic pairs look completely different. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It can't be described very well, it simply must be felt. Nostalgia? Of course, but my appreciation is not just for that reason. The Bodyguard is a quality film, whether someone likes it or not. It has a decent amount of humour, excellent action, a soulful romance, and a pleasantly family-friendly (definitely not tacky) touch. Mick Jackson directed an incredibly stylish and mature caper that should not be ashamed of its storytelling value. It has power, solid content, and above all, an extremely charming hero. I understand the swooning over Frank Farmer from the female population, as he is absolutely irresistible in this role. And Whitney Houston's acting is not bad either, although she primarily shines with her captivating voice. A romance as it should be. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I used to really like that movie, but now I see that it's a bit too stretched out and unfortunately also too predictable, either in terms of casting or simply because the script is very straightforward with classic romantic escapades that are supposed to be hidden behind a thriller. However, it cannot be denied that the main couple is enjoyable to watch and there is chemistry between them that works. It's just that the ending could be darker. ()