A világ teremtése

  • Franciaország La Création du monde (több)
Animációs / Vígjáték / Családi / Zenés
Franciaország / Csehszlovákia, 1957, 80 perc


Bizonyára jó néhány családi könyvespolcon ott áll a francia karikaturista, Effel valamelyik könyve. Ezek közül is a talán legismertebbnek a rajzai most meg is mozdulnak. Magával ragadóan könnyed stílusban elevenedik meg előttünk a bibliai világteremtés és az első emberpár "elkészítése". A létrehozás körüli teendőket kis kopasz öregúr végzi és természetesen látható drámai ellensége, a piros krampusz is... És választ kaphatunk olyan "tudományos" kérdésekre, mint például, hogy mitől hegyesek a hegyek, ki tanította meg úszni a fókát, ki csinálta az esőt stb. (Örökmozgó)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Creation of the world is primarily a script written with humor, a simple but impactful illustration with equally simple yet purposeful animation, and above all, charming commentary by Werich. It is a poetic and playful piece, lacking only greater pace and sharper, let's say "Simpsons-like" humor, to deserve five stars. However, the old-fashioned approach is logical considering the age of the film; at its time, it was quite avant-garde. Overall impression: 85%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If I’d been born into a deeply religious family, I would have surely been thrilled. But since I avoid religion as much as possible, believe in God about as much as I believe in the existence of Santa Claus and, last but not least, I am not a fan of Czech animated films of the 1950s, I was already doomed to dislike this light and musical biblical tale, which, after all, was exactly what happened. Nice execution, score and voice over by Jan Werich. Nothing more, nothing less... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This animation is still so pleasantly naive and beautiful, it's also quite entertaining, only the songs don't sound as innocent as they were when I watched the film as a child. Jan Werich shows how great of a storyteller he was and how excellently he could play only with his voice. This is a tremendous gift. It's still an above-average animated film about how the world could have been created - maybe we wouldn't believe it even as children, but as a fairy tale, it's fine. ()