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  • Franciaország Demain tout commence (több)
Előzetes 7


Samuel mindenféle problémától mentes, gondtalan agglegényéletét éli a napsütötte Dél-Franciaországban. Egy nap váratlan esemény zavarja meg futó kalandokkal színesített, békés hétköznapjait: betoppan egy régi barátnő az életéből és kiderül, hogy van egy lánya, akiről eddig nem is tudott. Mielőtt a meglepetésből felocsúdhatna, a nő el is tűnik, ám hátrahagyja a csecsemőjüket. Az újdonsült apuka kétségbeesésében lányával együtt útnak indul Londonba, hogy megtalálja anyukáját, azonban nem jár sikerrel. Samuel ezután úgy dönt, hogy a városban marad és munkát vállal. Ahogyan múlnak az évek, a férfi némi baráti segítséggel szép lassan beletanul az apai szerepbe és lányával elválaszthatatlanok lesznek. Egy napon azonban újra felbukkan életükben a kislány anyja... (Vertigo Média)


Videók (15)

Előzetes 7

Recenziók (8)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Definitive proof that Omar Sy is the king of dramedies with a social subtext. The Intouchables could have been a coincidence, Samba could have been god luck, but this time it's a sure bet. On his home turf, this walking breath of optimism simply can't be surpassed. And even though the twists may seem expected and overly emotional, a smaller but more important idea about fully enjoying life emerges throughout the whole story, opening one's eyes. And that's when tears really start to sting. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For me, Omar Sy is probably the foremost French actor of family comedies with a hint of contemporary drama. Any movie that he appears in is a joy to watch. By the way, the homage to Eddie Murphy was quite appropriate since they look awfully alike. And with his positive approach to acting along with his personality, he couldn’t possibly spoil a movie, including this one. Two Is a Family is a beautifully filmed human, amusing story that’s worth waiting for. It's a bit of a drag, but you get such a pleasant, warm feeling watching the movie that you don't really care, because this kind sense of humor can caress your soul. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The French know how to make dramas and comedies, and they are also good at mixing genres. Two Is a Family is more on a serious note, but it also features many humorous moments, especially provided by Antoine Bertrand as Bernie. During the first two acts I thought I would give the film a solid three stars, but in the last act it all went up a notch and in the end the film played a lot on my emotions, and I ate it up hook, line and sinker. Two Is a Family isn't a comedy of the kind that will have you rolling with laughter, it's more of a humorously paced story of a father and daughter trying to live their life together to the fullest despite more than one obstacle. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have nothing against bittersweet, moving films, but Two Is a Family is a manipulative and superficial calculation that is fundamentally unpleasantly torn between trying to find a serious relationship-parenting probe in the style of contemporary European dramas, and an inappropriately chosen overflow of Hollywood comedy stylization. Both of these contradictory approaches interfere with each other. The result seems as if the creators want to shoot a new version of Kramer vs. Kramer, but to make it come off to the audience more like Big Daddy with Adam Sandler, which reliably kills any impression of realism. The first quarter of an hour is basically great, but the rest is an artificial spasm that is too bitter for comedy and too flat, transparent and unbelievable for drama. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For the second time in two days, I had to turn off the cynical bastard in me to enjoy an endearingly heart-aching movie. If I had been looking forward to a great comedy, I would have been disappointed, but as a drama, it works perfectly. I don't know why, but I like Omar Sy, whether he's playing an unexpected dad, a caretaker, a cook, or a gangster. He's accompanied by superb Clémence Poésy here, and it sure is a success. Maybe I also liked the film because I was expecting more of a goofy flick with a lovey-dovey happy ending. Instead, I got a drama that kept me entertained and the two hours just raced by. I hope the French filmmakers don't plan on making more of this sort of thing, I'd hate to change my negative attitude towards the French cinema. ()

Galéria (34)