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  • angol Good Things Await
Előzetes 2
Dokument / Életrajz
Dánia, 2014, 100 perc


Phie Ambo


Phie Ambo


Phie Ambo


Jóhann Jóhannsson
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)


Eighty-year-old scientist and farmer Niels is always seeking the most efficient ways to adhere to natural biological processes. Worms for compost and sun-withered weeds have an almost sacred place on his biodynamic farm. But what Niels considers the only humane approach to farming is not very popular with Danish officials. Director Phie Ambo highlights the importance of the kinship of people and animals, which in today's industrialised farming is completely lost, opening a broader debate about methods of farming and breeding. (One World)
