Sam - Kismadár nagy kalandja

Előzetes 1

Streaming (1)


Amikor itt az ideje, hogy a madarak Afrikába költözzenek, Darius-t, a falka legidősebb tagját megsebesíti egy nagy, éhes macska. Yellowbird van kéznél, hogy meghallgassa Darius titkait a repülésről, így ő lesz az új vezér, habár nincs tapasztalata sem a vándorlásban sem a vezetésben. Mivel nem hisz önmagában, eltéved a sarkvidéken. Szembe kell néznie félelmeivel és meg kell tanulnia követnie az ösztöneit. A film egy kedves családi mese az önmegvalósításról, az önmagunkba vetett hitről és a csapatmunkáról. (Big Bang Media)


Videók (5)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In the beginning, there was an egg. The egg just had the bad luck to roll away, so when the bird hatched out of it, there was hardly anyone around to take care of it. So, what would you expect would happen if a little skinny bird were looked after by a ladybug and a bunch of rabbits? As this children’s story shows, big things! I thought this was quite a nice children’s story with all the ingredients needed. It has nice visuals that kids will like, a nice soundtrack, and a straightforward and perhaps predictable narrative that even the little ones will understand. We have to add an appealing main male protagonist and some childish fun. Plus, there is even something for the moms; a love story. To sum it up, Yellowbird is a nice, easy-to-watch family movie, although it is nothing new or surprising in my opinion. Simply a nice and average modern fairy tale 5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When something is popular in an animated movie, animation companies try to squeeze as much of it as possible. And because birds are currently flying, we encounter them everywhere. To avoid it being too blue, there is a yellow bird that is not very entertaining, but it's okay because it has blue friends. Oh well, another trap for parents' wallets. ()


Galéria (20)