
  • Ausztrália Partisan
Előzetes 3


A tizenegy éves Alexander egy zárkózott kis közösségben él, melyet a karizmatikus Gregori vezet. A férfi arra tanítja a gyerekeket, hogyan kell állatokat tartani, növényeket termeszteni, dolgozni, közösségben élni – és embert ölni. A kistestvére születése után a fiú gondolkodóba esik, és megkérdőjelezi Gregori mindenhatóságát, és hogy valóban gyilkosokat kell-e nevelni a fiatalokból. Az ellenszegüléstől tartva Gregori ellenségesen kezd viselkedni Alexanderrel, akit egykor fiaként szeretett. (Cinemax)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Quite a powerful movie that tries to play itself up as a great film, although actually watching the story itself is quite a good experience. There are many interesting aspects connected to the story that are worth mentioning on their own. The artistic form is sometimes a bit excessive, which bothered me a bit, so I didn't enjoy the film as much. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol 50th KVIFF – The first movie at the festival that I’ve seen. That means a lot in itself, especially the fact that I probably won’t ever forget about it. But that’s not only due to the fact that it’s the first movie I saw at the festival, it’s mostly due to the story itself, which has thrown me into some sort of precarious environment of the worst kind of apartment building area that you couldn’t even imagine to be a part of a “civilized” world. Vincent Cassel is in the lead role here – he was absolutely amazing and he portrayed a character which can’t be likeable to anyone under any circumstances; thus a classic of his and I’ll in be waiting to see something different from him, probably in vain. Anyhow, Partisan has opened up a very interesting topic and closed it at exactly the moment I started contemplating it. An excellent movie, but maybe a bit too depressing for me. Although, that depends… ()


Galéria (27)