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  • Egyesült Államok Don't Drink the Water
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The Hollanders are enjoying their trip behind the Iron Curtain until Walter (Allen) innocently snaps a picture of the sunset ... over a politically sensitive area! Before he knows it, his family is the focus of a major international espionage incident! Forced to seek refuge at the American Embassy -- it's up to the Ambassador's diplomatically inept son (Fox) to keep the Hollanders from landing behind bars! (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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angol It can be seen that the foundations of this crazy satire lie in Woody Allen's early days because you haven't seen this kind of sharpness in the incredible cadence of the lines for decades. In particular, it is an interesting combination of an older theme with newer execution and pure acting mastery. Whether you are most entertained by the main neurotic, the perfect conspirator priest-magician, or the interim embassy chief accompanied by misfortune, this remains a master's (unfortunately) underrated gem. ()

Galéria (5)