A Lazarus hatás

  • Magyarország A Lazarus-hatás (több)
Előzetes 1
Misztikus / Sci-Fi / Horror / Thriller
Egyesült Államok, 2015, 83 perc

Streaming (1)


Egy csoport orvostanhallgató megtalálja a módját, hogyan hozzák vissza a halottakat az életbe. Olivia Wild és Mark Duplass. (Big Bang Media)

Videók (17)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The plot and in fact the rest of the story, including the (rather sympathetic) ending, feels like something out of a better (i.e. not completely stupid) episode of Believe it or Not. But I liked the fact that the film, thanks to the sober runtime, quickly got to the point, did not delay and tried only to worry and frighten from beginning to end. Unfortunately, it didn't always work out. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was looking forward to the movie "Resurrection of the Demon" mainly because of Olivia, whom I still wish would get a decent role. And once again, she didn't get it. The story is simple, which wouldn't bother me so much, but the plot is just bad, too unoriginal and too boring. This is a horror movie where there are incredibly few moments that could scare me. Overall, it is directed in such an unbelievably straightforward and, most importantly, uninteresting way that the film simply can't do anything to you and you will just watch without experiencing any emotions. Except maybe boredom. It's a pity, I expected much more. ()


Galéria (54)