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  • Egyesült Államok Don't Blink (több)
Horror / Sci-Fi / Misztikus
Egyesült Államok, 2014, 92 perc


Tíz ember érkezik egy félreeső és teljesen elhagyatott hegyi üdülőhelyhez. Üzemanyag hiányában a visszaúthoz a látogatók kénytelenek maradni és kideríteni az elhagyott házat körülvevő rejtélyt. (Film Mánia)

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Unfortunately, this didn’t got further than the idea. I love this kind of cheap, mysterious and potentially paranoid indies like House Haunting or Enter Nowhere, but this film doesn’t deliver anything effective. The craftsmanship started to piss me off even before anything mysterious happened. I can accept the cheap jump-scare of one character accidentally scaring another once or twice, but this film greatly exceeds the limit of the tolerable and on top of that, it wants to look very serious. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The actors of the movie "Don't Blink" are gradually becoming quite monotonous, but thanks to the well-executed finale and the properly delicate progression, the movie doesn't feel bad at all and you will have a pleasant feeling from it, or rather an unpleasant feeling from what you are watching. The highlight of everything is the final scene, which is captivatingly unsettling and adds a little something to the film in the end. ()