Fahrtwind – Aufzeichnungen einer Reisenden

Ausztria, 2013, 83 perc


Bernadette Weigel


Bernadette Weigel


Bernadette Weigel
(további alkotók)


A young woman is compelled to leave Vienna and go out into the world, tempted simply by wanderlust. She has her Super 8 camera in her luggage and masses of curiosity. Does contemporary cinema still have the magic inherent in it that it did in its early days – to simply show what is out there in the world? To show what people in other regions look like, how they live, how they work and how they turn to the camera and smile at us. The concept of Bernadette Weigel’s film is similarly simple, though in its implementation it is undoubtedly a refreshing masterpiece. The film is banal in what it shows to us yet magnificent in its deep deference to this banality. That is how poetry has always been throughout film history and in this cinepoem we see how poetry can still be thoroughly effective today. (DOK.fest München)
